Thursday, November 3, 2016

Free training for YALI Network members

What are the YALI Network Online Courses?
YALI Network Online Courses are collections of video and audio lessons on specific topics or themes. Entrepreneurship, climate change, women's rights, and advocacy are just a few of the topics you can learn about through the YALI Network Online Courses. There is no time limit or restriction on the number of courses you can take. Watch the video, listen to the audio, or read the transcript, and then check out the discussion guides and additional resources that accompany each lesson.

After you complete all of the lessons in each course, you will need to pass a short quiz to demonstrate what you learned in the course. As soon as you pass, you will be emailed a personalized course completion certificate that you can share on your social media networks or print to share with your family and friends!
What courses are offered?
There is a wide range of courses available, covering everything from business and leadership to women’s rights and climate change. The complete list of courses is available on YALI website.

Take a course. Click here.
Join the conversation by clicking Twitter or Facebook !

MyNOL . . . Nigeria needs Nigerian.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The New Face of Google Plus . . .

Hey, check out the new G+.
Hurry now to get the unique feel of followership.
Waste no time and click here or go surfing it.

Google Plus . . .
Young Internet Professionals is calling young persons to come online and follow the discussion.

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a multistakeholder space that facilitates the discussion and dialogue of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. The IGF was convened in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly.

With the renewal of its mandate by United Nations in December 2015, the IGF consolidates itself as a platform to bring people together from various stakeholder groups as equals. While there’s no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors. At their annual meeting delegates discuss, exchange information and share good practices with each other.

The IGF facilitates a common understanding of how to maximize Internet opportunities and address risks and challenges that arise. The IGF is also a space that gives developing countries the same opportunity as wealthier nations to engage in the debate on Internet governance and to facilitate their participation in existing institutions and arrangements. Ultimately, the involvement of all stakeholders, from developed as well as developing countries, is necessary for the future development of the Internet.

To register, click here...

You are Invited to the GTBank Fashion Weekend

You are invited to the GTBank Fashion Weekend.
The two-day consumer focused event themed “Promoting Enterprise”, is part of the Bank’s initiative to strengthen small businesses in key economic sectors through non-profit consumer-focused fairs and capacity building initiatives that serve to boost their expertise, exposure and business growth. 
At the Fashion Weekend, you will be treated to a series of Fashion Master Classes, Shopping and Runway Shows.
The fashion master classes will cover varying topics and will be hosted by top fashion industry experts, including Dylan Jones, Editor GQ Magazine; Oke Maduewesi, CEO Zaron Cosmetics; Caroline Rush, CEO British Fashion Council; Tracy Reese, Founder & Creative Director Tracy Reese fashion label; Bethlehem Alemu, CEO Sole Rebels; Sam Fine, Celebrity Makeup artist & CEO Fine Beauty Inc; Bijou Abiola, Buyer, International Fashion Retailer; Claire Sulmers, Blogger, Fashion Bomb Daily.
The Retail exhibition will showcase dozens of leading Small Businesses within the fashion and beauty industry, offering a diverse range of affordable and luxury apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty items, and much more. As part of the shopping experience, there will be a craft section, featuring handcrafted indigenous garments and accessories.
Culminating each day will be a series of Runway shows featuring collections by renowned fashion brands.
Please accept this as your oppourtunity to register for the event..
We look forward to hosting you!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ewuare II seats: Culture continues.

Image result for Ewuare II

The new Oba of Benin, Oba Ewuare, has ascended the throne following his coronation today.

Erediauwa is ascending the 836-year-old throne of his ancestors which is the oldest and one of the most revered in Nigeria.

He has chosen the name Oba Ewuare Ogidigan II, meaning ‘the trouble has ceased’. Following his ascension to the throne, he will now be referred to as Omo N’Oba Ukakpolokpolo Oba Ewuare II.

Several dignitaries including Nigeria’s Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo attended the coronation.

Oba gha to’ kpere! Ise!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lagos International Trade Fair is Thirty.

The Lagos International Trade Fair will be 30 this year and as such, is bigger and better than ever!

The fair which brings into focus the full potentials and business opportunities existing in Nigeria, also provides a platform for various trade groups, professionals and foreign companies to present new products and new ideas to the teeming visitors. 

The fair will be held at the Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos for ten (10) days thereby presenting a unique opportunity for Exhibitors to advertise their products, services, inventions and innovations to both Nigerian and Foreign audience. 

The Fair is supported by the Federal and Lagos State Governments, and is always well attended by numerous Government agencies seeking new ideas, inventions and innovations necessary for the attainment of the objectives for which they were set up.

powered by 

Monday, October 10, 2016

ngNOG 2016 Conference

The ngNOG 2016 Conference is scheduled to take place at the Rockview Royale Hotel from 08:00 am on Monday 31st, October, 2016.

In a mail sent to stakeholders, Rashida Umar informed that the Conference is expected to have about 300 delegates from Tertiary Education Institutions, IT Industry, Private and Public Sectors. It will feature a full day of activities including a Keynote Address, Panel sessions, Lightning talks and Presentations that will engage stakeholders from different sectors. Schedule available here 

Each session provides for a five (5)-minute presentation by each panelist and thirty minutes to discuss issues arising on the floor. Panelists are from varying backgrounds like academia, government, and private sectors to provide a richer discussion and learning experience for delegates.

To apply for the Conference, click on the link

Please note that there are limited seats available. Applicants that register online ahead of the Event have higher priority.

Applicants attending the ngNOG Workshop are not required to fill the online applications for the Conference.

For further enquiries, reach the secretariat at 

NB: KOBOKINGs Limited is just a participant contributing its quota for free to the success of the ngNOG 2016 Conference, unsolicited. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) receives new DG

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Dr. Isa Ali Pantami, director general, National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), has admitted there are many challenges facing the Agency and the country at large. Pantami, who took to social media to appreciate Nigerians on the numerous congratulatory messages sent to him on the recent appointment to head the Agency, also solicited prayers for a successful tenure.
The DG writes, “I write to thank all my fellow Nigerians for their goodwill messages, suggestions and prayers over my recent trial of serving Nigeria as the DG of NITDA. The responsibility is a huge one, which needs more advice, than congratulatory messages. This is indeed a trial, that we hope and pray to be successful. I received many messages through email, whatsApp, twitter and Facebook. I had tried to reply all individual, but became practically impossible. I do hope that this will be accepted as a reply to those that I couldn't reply them privately.
Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami was appointed substantive DG of NITDA following the announcement by the Federal Government on Monday the 26th of September 2016.
In a brief reception held in his honour, Dr. Isa Ali expressed his gratitude towards the reception he received from the outgoing acting DG, the indefatigable Vincent Olatunji, PhD, and other members of staff. Dr. Pantami promised to consolidate on the achievements the Agency has recorded over the years, adding that what is important to him is to see how Nigeria can explore the potentials of ICT for National development.
He said, “What is important to us is Nigeria and I am here to work together with you as a team to achieve the vision of the Agency”.
We believe that the NITDA DG will commence action by receiving reports and proposals from professionals on what needs to be done within the next three (3) years.

Saturday, October 1, 2016


Image result for buhari independence

Today – 1st October is a day of celebration for us Nigerians.  On this day, 56 years ago our people achieved the most important of all human desires – freedom and independence.  We should all therefore give thanks and pray for our founding fathers without whose efforts and toil we would not reap the bounties of today.
2. I know that uppermost in your minds today is the economic crisis. The recession for many individuals and families is real. For some It means not being able to pay school fees, for others it's not being able to afford the high cost of food (rice and millet) or the high cost of local or international travel, and for many of our young people the recession means joblessness, sometimes after graduating from university or polytechnic.
3. I know how difficult things are, and how rough business is. All my adult life I have always earned a salary and I know what it is like when your salary simply is not enough. In every part of our nation people are making incredible sacrifices.
4. But let me say to all Nigerians today, I ran for office four times to make the point that we can rule this nation with honesty and transparency, that we can stop the stealing of Nigeria's resources so that the resources could be used to provide jobs for our young people, security, infrastructure for commerce, education and healthcare.
5. I ran for office because I know that good government is the only way to ensure prosperity and abundance for all. I remain resolutely committed to this objective.
6. I believe that this recession will not last.
7. Temporary problems should not blind or divert us from the corrective course this government has charted for our nation.  We have identified the country’s salient problems and we are working hard at lasting solutions. 
8. To re-cap what I have been saying since the inception of this administration, our problems are security, corruption and the economy, especially unemployment and the alarming level of poverty.
9. On Security, we have made progress.  Boko Haram was defeated by last December – only resorting to cowardly attacks on soft targets, killing innocent men, women and children. 
10.   Nigerians should thank our gallant men of the Armed Forces and Police for rescuing large areas of the country captured by insurgents.  Now, residents in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States, as well as several neighbouring states go about their daily business in relative safety.  People can go to mosques, churches, market places in reasonable safety. 
11.   Commuters can travel between cities, towns and villages without fear.  Credit for this remarkable turn-round should go to our Armed Forces, the Police, various sponsored and private vigilante groups, the local traditional leaders.  Security is a top to bottom concern and responsibility.
12.   Besides Boko Haram, we are confronting other long-running security issues, namely herdsmen vs farmers, cattle rustling, kidnappings.  This Administration is firmly resolved to tackle these challenges and to defeat them.
13.   A new insurgency has reared up its head in the shape of blowing up gas and oil pipelines by groups of Niger Delta Militants.  This Administration will not allow these mindless groups to hold the country to ransom.
14.   What sense is there to damage a gas line as a result of which many towns in the country including their own town or village is put in darkness as a result?  What logic is there in blowing up an export pipeline and as a result income to your state and local governments and consequently their ability to provide services to your own people is reduced?
15.   No group can unlawfully challenge the authority of the Federal Government and succeed.  Our Administration is fully sympathetic to the plight of the good people of Niger Delta and we are in touch with the State Governments and leaderships of the region.  It is known that the clean-up of the Ogoniland has started.  Infrastructural projects financed by the Federal Government and post amnesty programme financing will continue.
16.   We have however, continued to dialogue with all groups and leaders of thought in the region to bring lasting peace. 
17.   Corruption is a cancer which must be fought with all the weapons at our disposal.  It corrodes the very fabric of government and destroys society.  Fighting corruption is Key, not only to restoring the moral health of the nation, but also to freeing our enormous resources for urgent socio-economic development.
18.   In fighting corruption, however, the government would adhere strictly by the rule of law.  Not for the first time I am appealing to the judiciary to join the fight against corruption.
19.   The Third Plank in this Administration’s drive to CHANGE Nigeria is re-structuring the economy.  Economies behaviour is cyclical.  All countries face ups and downs.  Our own recession has been brought about by a critical shortage of foreign exchange.  Oil price dropped from an average of hundred USD per barrel over the last decade to an average of forty USD per barrel this year and last. 
20.   Worse still, the damage perpetrated by Niger Delta thugs on pipelines sometimes reduced Nigeria’s production to below One million barrels per day against the normal two point two million barrels per day.  Consequently, the naira is at its weakest, but the situation will stabilize.
21.   But this is only temporary.  Historically about half our dollar export earnings go to importation of petroleum and food products!  Nothing was saved for the rainy days during the periods of prosperity.  We are now reaping the whirlwinds of corruption, recklessness and impunity.
22.   There are no easy solutions, but there are solutions nonetheless and Government is pursuing them in earnest.  We are to repair our four refineries so that Nigeria can produce most of our petrol requirements locally, pending the coming on stream of new refineries.  That way we will save ten billion USD yearly in importing fuel.
23.   At the same time, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Bank have been mobilized to encourage local production of rice, maize, sorghum, millet and soya beans.  Our target is to achieve domestic self-sufficiency in these staples by 2018. 
24.   Already farmers in thirteen out of thirty six states are receiving credit support through the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Anchor Borrowers Programme.  Kebbi state alone this year is expected to produce one million tonnes of locally grown rice, thanks to a favourable harvest this year.  As part of the 13 states, Lagos and Ogun are also starting this programme. Rice alone for example costs Nigeria two billion USD to import.
25.   The country should be self-sufficient in basic staples by 2019.  Foreign exchange thus saved can go to industrial revival requirements for retooling, essential raw materials and spare parts.  It is in recognition of the need to re-invigorate agriculture in our rural communities that we are introducing the LIFE programme. 
26.   Government recognises that irrigation is key to modern agriculture: that is why the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources are embarking on a huge programme of development of lakes, earth dams and water harvesting schemes throughout the country to ensure that we are no longer dependent on rain-fed agriculture for our food requirements.
27. In addition, government is introducing Water Resources Bill encompassing the National Water Resources Policy and National Irrigation and Drainage Policy to improve management of water and irrigation development in the country.  We are reviving all the twelve River Basin Authorities, namely;
Anambra - Imo
Benin - Owena
Chad Basin
Cross River
Hadejia - Jama'are
Lower Benue
Lower Niger
Niger Delta
Ogun - Osun
Sokoto - Rima
Upper Benue
Upper Niger
28.  The intention is eventually to fully commercialise them to better support crop production, aqua –culture and accelerated rural development.
29.   This Administration is committed to the revival of Lake Chad and improvement of the hydrology and ecology of the basin.  This will tune in with efforts to rehabilitate the thirty million people affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad basin countries.
30.   The second plank in our economic revival strategy is centred on the Ministry of Power, Works and Housing.  The Ministry will lead and oversee the provision of critical infrastructure of power, road transport network and housing development.
31.   Power generation has steadily risen since our Administration came on board from three thousand three hundred and twenty four   megawatts in June 2015, rising to a peak of five thousand and seventy four megawatts in February 2016.
32.   For the first time in our history the country was producing five thousand megawatts. However, renewed militancy and destruction of gas pipelines caused acute shortage of gas and constant drop in electricity output available on the grid.
33.   There has been during the period June 2015 to September 2016 big improvement in transmission capacity from five thousand five hundred megawatts to the present seven thousand three hundred megawatts.
34.   There were only two system collapses between June and December 2015, but due to vandalism by Niger Delta militants the over-all system suffered 16 system collapses between March and July 2016 alone. As I have said earlier, we are engaging with responsible leadership in the region to find lasting solutions to genuine grievances of the area but we will not allow a tiny minority of thugs to cripple the country's economy.
35.   In the meantime, government is going ahead with projects utilizing alternate technologies such as hydro, wind, and solar to contribute to our energy mix. In this respect, the Mambilla Hydro project, after many years of delay is taking off this year. Contract negotiations are nearing completion with Chinese firms for technical and financial commitments.
36.   The project is to be jointly financed by Nigeria and the Chinese-Export-Import Bank. In addition, fourteen Solar Power Projects have had their power purchase agreements concluded. Hence the plan to produce one thousand two hundred megawatts of solar electricity for the country would be realized on schedule.

37.   And in line with the objective of government to complete all abandoned projects across the country, the Rural Electrification Agency's projects needing completion are provided for in the 2016 Budget. Bringing electricity to rural areas will help farmers, small scale and cottage industries to integrate with the national economy.

38.  Roads Construction and Rehabilitation has taken off. The sum of twelve billion naira was allocated to this sector in the 2015 Budget, not enough even to pay interest on outstanding unpaid claims.
39.   Notwithstanding the budgetary constraints, the current budget allocated two hundred and forty billion naira for highway projects against twelve billion naira in 2015. Many contractors who have not been paid for three years have now remobilized to sites. Seven hundred and twenty point five billion naira has so far been released this budget year to capital projects.
40.   The Ministry of Power, Works and Housing has received one hundred and ninety seven point five billion naira. Work on the following highways has now resumed.
Dualization of Calabar – Itu Road in Cross River/Akwa Ibom States.
Dualization of Lokoja – Benin Road, Ehor - Benin city, Edo State.
Re-construction of outstanding sections of Benin – Shagamu Express way, Edo/Ogun States.
Expansion works on Lagos – Ibadan Dual carriageway, Ogun/Oyo States
Rehabilitation of Onitsha – Enugu Expressway, Anambra/Enugu States.
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Enugu – Port Harcourt Dual carriageway, Abia/Rivers States.
Rehabilitation of Hadejia – Nguru Road, Jigawa State.
Dualization of Kano – Katsina Road, Kano State.
Dualization of Kano – Maiduguri Road, Borno State.
Dualization of Azare – Potiskum Road, Azare – Sharuri Road, Bauchi State.
Rehabilitation of Ilorin – Jebba – Mokwa – Birnin Gwari Road, Kwara State.
Construction of Oju/Lokoja – Oweto Bridge over River Benue, Benue State.
41.  Other major highways are in the queue for rehabilitation or new construction.
42.  Already contractors have recalled about nine thousand workers laid off and Government expects that several hundreds of thousands of workers will be reengaged in the next few months as our public works programme gains momentum.
43.   On railways, we have provided our counterpart funding to China for the building of our standard gauge Lagos -Kano railway. Meanwhile, General Electric is investing two point two billion USD in a concession to revamp, provide rolling stock, and manage the existing lines, including the Port Harcourt-Maiduguri Line. The Lagos-Calabar railway will also be on stream soon.
44.  We have initiated the National Housing Programme. In 2014 four hundred million naira was voted for Housing. In 2015 nothing. Our first budget this year is devoting thirty five point six billion naira. Much of the house building will be private – sector led but Government is initiating a pilot housing scheme of two thousand eight hundred and thirty eight units uniformly spread across the 36 states and FCT.
45.   We expect these units to be completed within 4 – 6 months. These experimental Nigeria House model Units will be constructed using only made in Nigeria building materials and components. This initiative is expected to reactivate the building materials manufacturing sector, generate massive employment opportunities and develop sector capacity and expertise.
46.   The programmes I have outlined will revive the economy, restore the value of the naira and drive hunger from our land.
47.   Abroad, Nigeria’s standing has changed beyond belief in the last 18 months. We are no longer a pariah state. Wherever I go, I have been received with un-accustomed hospitality. Investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria. This government intends to make business environment more friendly because we can not develop ourselves alone.
48.   All countries, no matter how advanced, welcome foreign investments to their economy. This is the essence of globalization and no country in the 21st century can be an island. Our reforms are therefore designed to prepare Nigeria for the 21st century.
49.   Finally, let me commend Nigerians for your patience, steadfastness and perseverance. You know that I am trying to do the right things for our country.
50.  Thank you and may God bless our country.



Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

We are proud to have Nigeria as the Worldwide Headquarters’ of our faith. We are blessed that we have grown and spread-out across continents with the spirit of God to guide us daily and always in our entire endeavour’s. We wish to appreciate all Nigerians and lovers of the continued nation. God bless you.

We pray and will continue to pray for our leaders. The nation is blessed to have you at the helms of affair’s. We believe that God placed you in the front of men to ensure that certain decisions are taken to promote the greatness of the nation and the progress of the people.

It is clear that your responsibility is to ensure the trust of the people in the execution of your roles. Its key that you focus on infrastructural growth and empowerment development strategy. This will build the focus on promoting business activities in and around the country....


Stewardship of IANA Functions Transitions to Global Internet Community as Contract with U.S. Government Ends

Today, 1 October 2016, the contract between the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the United States Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), to perform the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions, has officially expired. This historic moment marks the transition of the coordination and management of the Internet’s unique identifiers to the private-sector, a process that has been committed to and underway since 1998.
“This transition was envisioned 18 years ago, yet it was the tireless work of the global Internet community, which drafted the final proposal, that made this a reality,” said ICANN Board Chair Stephen D. Crocker. “This community validated the multistakeholder model of Internet governance. It has shown that a governance model defined by the inclusion of all voices, including business, academics, technical experts, civil society, governments and many others is the best way to assure that the Internet of tomorrow remains as free, open and accessible as the Internet of today.”


Nigeria at 56.

Happy Independence Day

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

ICANN58 NextGen@ICANN Application Round Now Open

ICANNWiki celebrating a participant with an Amazon gift.
ICANN is looking for the next generation of individuals interested in becoming engaged in their regional communities and shaping the future of global Internet policy. Important work is happening every day at ICANN. If you're ready to start your ICANN journey, ICANN58 Copenhagen could be the place to begin!
This application round will stay open until 4 November 2016. Successful candidates will be announced on the ICANN website,[], on 2 December 2016.

Kathryn Brown Thanks ISOC Members

Internet Society

Hi ISOC Global Member,
I wanted to specially thank you for your participation and help in making InterCommunity a success.

Along with more than 2,600 Internet Society members from 160 countries, you showed the strength and quality of our community. I feel personally inspired by what we have achieved in 24hrs.

It is by working together this way that we will consolidate a trusted Internet and make sure it is available to those who need it the most. The event is over, but our collaborative work continues.

I would like to invite you to follow the conversation on our Open Forum. This where you can continue to raise questions, make comments and share ideas.

If you have some time, we would also like to have your comments, ideas and any other feedback, you might have so that we can keep improving this event.

Finally, I wanted to thank all of our speakers, trustees and the dedication of our staff for making a global, online event like this happen.

I hope to see you soon in our discussions, next events and certainly at InterCommunity 2017.

Kathryn Brown 
Internet Society, President/CEO

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Become a #WINsiders4Good Nigeria Fellow

#WINsiders4Good Nigeria Fellowship

We belong to the Windows Insiders, the greatest community of people in the world who use the Windows technology we love to eradicate the problems we hate. We are thrilled to announce the #WINsiders4Good Nigeria Fellowship.

We are looking for people like you, Nigerian entrepreneurs who can't stop thinking of that idea you have that will solve a local problem as well as improve the lives of your fellow Nigerians. 

We would like to build a fellowship of 20 Nigerian entrepreneurs to become our first ever, inaugural class of #WINsider4Good Fellows. If chosen, you will receive hardware and software along with 6 months of tailored technical and strategic mentorship from local and international leaders to help bring your unique idea to life. 

Please apply now, the deadline is approaching quickly on October 10, 2016.

Learn more at FAQ.

For additional questions, contact us at

Round 1 Application Opens: September 21, 2016
Round 1 Application Closes: October 10, 2016
Round 2 Application Opens: October 17, 2016
Round 2 Application Closes: October 24, 2016
Fellows Announced: November 16, 2016
Fellowship Bootcamp: November 16 – 22, 2016
Mentorship Program: January 4 - June 30, 2017

Click here.  NEXT

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Internet Society CEO picks Salam Yamout as Middle East Regional Director

The Internet Society today announced that it has opened a new regional bureau in the Middle East and appointed Salam Yamout to the role of Regional Director.

Ms. Yamout brings over 25 years of experience to her new role where she will be responsible for building awareness of the Internet Society and advancing its mission of promoting access to the Internet for the benefit of people everywhere.

Prior to joining the Internet Society, Ms. Yamout was the National Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Strategy Coordinator for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, in Beirut, Lebanon. She was responsible for planning and implementing national ICT projects in addition to advising on regulatory and legislative issues related to ICT as well as Internet Governance.

Ms. Yamout is founder and executive board member of the Lebanese Internet Center and the Lebanon Chapter of the Internet Society. She also serves on the board of various organizations including RIPE NCC (the Internet Registry for Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia); MIT Enterprise Forum for the Pan Arab Region, and Lebanon for Entrepreneurs.

“The Internet Society has been looking for the right person who can help us engage with regional partners, policy makers and Internet communities throughout the Middle East. With her extensive experience in technology and working with various stakeholders in the region, she is well positioned to help the Internet Society promote the benefits of an open, trusted, Internet,” explains Raรบl Echeberrรญa, Vice President of Global Engagement for the Internet Society.

Mr. Yamout holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Ecole Supรฉrieure des Affaires (ESA) in Beirut and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona. She will be based in Beirut, Lebanon.

About the Internet Society

The Internet Society,, is the trusted independent source for Internet information and thought leadership from around the world. It is also the organizational home for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). With its principled vision and substantial technological foundation, the Internet Society promotes open dialogue on Internet policy, technology, and future development among users, companies, governments, and other organizations.

Working with its members and Chapters around the world, the Internet Society enables the continued evolution and growth of the Internet for everyone.

Simply join them today. Go to

Monday, September 19, 2016

Invitation to the Eleventh Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum

Mr. Wu Hongbo
On behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, I have the pleasure to invite you to the 2016 Internet Governance Forum (IGF): ‘Enabling Inclusive and Sustainable Growth’, to be held from 6 to 9 December 2016, in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The 2016 IGF marks the first IGF following its 10-year mandate renewal by the General Assembly at the WSIS+10 High Level Event last year. The overall programme is being built in a bottom-up manner in consultation with the growing IGF community, supported by multi-stakeholder intersessional activities, with a view to enhancing wide-ranging and diverse multistakeholder participation, including stakeholders from developing countries, youth, newcomers to the IGF and those joining online.
The four-day  11th IGF meeting  will feature interactive  dialogue and debate  and will address a broad  range of themes and issues including, but not limited to: Internet and Sustainable Development; Access and Diversity; Youth and Gender Issues; Human Rights and Freedom of Expression Online; Cybersecurity; Multistakeholder Cooperation; Critical Internet Resources; Internet Governance Capacity Building and Emerging Issues.
I would also like to take this opportunity to invite all stakeholders to join the growing IGF community intersessional activities. These activities, including IGF Best Practice Forums (BPFs), work on the Connecting and Enabling the Next Billion(s) initiative and IGF Dynamic Coalitions, offer unique multi-stakeholder platforms for substantive collaboration on a wide array of Internet governance themes and issues. This community work will be showcased, and open for further consultation, at the annual meeting in Mexico.
Many of the growing number of National and Regional IGF Initiatives (NRIs) will be holding meetings as well between now and the annual global IGF meeting and all stakeholders are encouraged to join these important meetings. The IGF is working together with the NRIs to enhance linkages and leverage the synergies among them and with the IGF. . . .


Segun Odegbami International College/Sports Academy: TIA changes name

Promoters of Nigeria’s first multi-sports secondary school, The International Academy (TIA), at the weekend announced that the school’s name has been changed to Segun Odegbami International College and Sports Academy (SOCA).
In a statement on Friday, the school said the name change became necessary to reflect the next phase in its development.
According to the statement, “the school was established and named ‘The International Sports Academy’ to reflect its dual purpose of providing a perfect environment and training, where young boys and girls with talent in sports and a passion for academics come to combine and excel in both.


Undeclared Oil Exports: Nigeria vs TOTAL / AGIP

A Nigerian court will next week begins hearing two suits instituted by government to recover a total of $635m from two multinational oil companies, Total and Agip as the cost of the difference between the amount of crude oil the companies lifted and the quantity they declared.
In the two cases to be presided over by Justice Olatoregun Isola, Nigeria is asking Total E&P and Nigeria Agip Oil Company to pay the sum of $490,517,280 and $145,848,102 respectively as costs of undeclared or under-declared crude oil they exported from Nigeria.
In the statement of claim filed before the court accompanied by the sworn affidavit of three United States of America, USA based professionals, the Federal Government of Nigeria alleged that sometime in 2014, it realised there was a decline in the revenue derived by it from the exportation of crude oil.
This, the government said, necessitated an intelligent based gathering of data, which showed that part of the major reasons for the decline in the revenue from crude oil exploration was due to non-declaration and under-declaration of crude oil shipments made by some major oil and gas companies operating in Nigeria.
Consequently, Nigerian Government said it established a consortium of experts for the intelligence -based tracking of the global movements of the country’s hydrocarbons including crude oil and gas with the main purposes of identifying the companies engaged in practices that led to missing  revenues from crude oil and gas exports sales to different parts of the world.
To reconcile the export record, Nigeria said it compared import records from respective ports of entry at the United States of America in the case of these two companies and others, the Data on shipment of the company, including its Bills of lading, Oil Vessels name used for the shipment, date of arrival at the destination ports, ports of origin, were used to identify the buyers of the undeclared Nigerian crude oil, and the sellers thereof, as well as quantity of crude oil exported from  Nigeria, and the same data for the same shipment imported into United States were compared.
Want to read more? Follow the source.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Is it true?

I have started posting and sharing stuff in support of Buhari again, who am i if Okonjo Iweala, a woman that had seen it all could come out to say at an American conference that the SEED OF THIS RECESSION WAS PLANTED DURING THE JONATHAN REGIME DUE TO OUR LACK OF FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE, INABILITY AND LACK OF POLITICAL WILL TO SAVE. People should not blame jonathan alone for this because the profligate Nigerian Governors too are culpable. He attempted to save, but the governors demanded to take all the savings citing constitutional right. Money they took and Stole at the same time. Our case is pathetic.

Do you know that:
๐Ÿ˜€Obasanjo's administration earned #17trn from crude oil sales within eight years and left behind 45bn dollars external reserves and 3.348bn dollars external debt.

๐Ÿ˜€Yaradua grew the reserves to 64bn dollars within just one year and the administration was able to finance 15 months of imports despite the 2008/2009 world economic meltdown. Hence, Nigeria survived the melt down because of the political will by the administration to save(a great achievement by Yaradua which most Nigerians are not aware of). Despite the tough economic reality at that time, Yaradua left 47.7bn dollars in reserves and an external debt of 3.94bn dollars. Meanwhile, the administration earned only #9trn from crude oil sales within that short period.

๐Ÿ˜€Now, Jonathan administration witnessed an oil boom when Brent crude sold for over 100 dollars/barrel, with the regime earning #51trn within a period of 5years. But because of corruption, the administration did not only squander the oil revenue but even depleted the reserves left by Yaradua, leaving just 32bn dollars and a huge external debt of 63bn dollars for Buhari. The same Brent crude sold for as low as 35 dollars/barrel at a point shortly after Buhari took over power and had only managed to climb to about 48 dollars just recently.

๐Ÿ˜€These are facts that can be verified. So, it's amazing hearing people criticize Buhari for the hunger in the land. 

๐Ÿ˜€According to Fashola, Buhari's administration inherited 206 uncompleted road projects and contract arrears worth #2.1trn from Jonathan; and for about 2 to 3 years the contractors where not paid. This slowed down the economic activities, with most of the companies laying off their staff. This was when the seed of recession was sowed.

๐Ÿ‘†It's obvious that Buhari came in to rescue Nigeria, because if Jonathan had continued in power, the nation's economic crisis would have been worse, perhaps even the Federal government wouldn't have been able to pay salaries of civil servants by now.

๐Ÿ˜€According to Okonjo Iweala, Nigeria started borrowing money to pay salaries since October, 2014; but today Nigeria now borrow money for investment in capital projects.

๐Ÿ˜€Those who blame Buhari for the current hardship do so either out of mischief (hatred) or ignorance. So, we shouldn't  join the bandwagon in criticising him. He may not have done much to save the situation, considering that he is not a perfect human being but he means well for the country and can only succeed with our prayers
๐Ÿ˜€May Almighty God continue to  guide Baba Buhari. 

๐Ÿ˜€Why not share this piece with others for the sake of enlightenment and conscious prayers for our nation . copied.

Is it true?